me on the bloggin..Ivan onto snoozin 0435hours
Friday, May 29, 2009
Day 1: Off the map and grid plans.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
There goes the mood
Monday, May 25, 2009
Shop Policy
A man wanders into a shop and asks the lady behind the counter for some dog food.
“Do you have a dog?” she questions. “Yes,” replies the man.
“Well where is he?” she requests. “He’s at home.”
“Well I’m sorry,” says the saleswoman, “I can’t sell this dog food to you unless I see your dog. It’s store policy.”
Disgruntled, the man leaves, then returns the next day, this time for cat food. “Do you have a cat?” she asks. The man nods his head.
“Well where is he?” the lady says. “He’s at home,” replies the man. “Well I’m sorry,” comes the response, “ but I can’t sell you this cat food unless I see your cat.”
So the man saunters off once again, only to return once again this time bringing a sack.
“What’s in the sack?” Asks the lady. “Is it the cat?” “Put your hand inside and see for yourself,” suggests the man.
“Hmmm, it’s warm and moist. What is it?”
“I’d like to buy some toilet roll, please…”
Some funny picture
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Feel it burn
rajan:i was born smart but edu spoiled me
kamal:macha..wolverine boring la,how bub?!
kuma:jo,saya pun tak tau la..nangis saja la..
hmmm..what to do...what to do..
to burn or not to burn that dam paper??
As for me i head onto college just to have a hang out and to settle down some unpaid bills. Sunway's a lil imaptient for my signature on that piece of check it seems(i was just crappin hahahhahaha). So, had several boredness and some laughable moment and loads of pics taken. Guess what Michelle was there,aint we all glad to shoutout her name "Choo Choo" when we see her!?!?ahahhahahahhhaha
choo choo..and her golden finger
So, as we on it, we had subway from our fellow buddy, Edmund which drove to Kay El frm 0830 hours to 1700 hours. Me and Ivan indulge on that big piece of 1foot long turkey breast cheese sandwhich. Fuyoh Fuyoh...hahahhahahhaa...Check out Ivan,grippin and munchin on it like its Buffet time! Thanks Ed fo the subways,native nuff for us to eat it now though we know it long time...hahahhahaha...
signature bread,cheese,turkey breast,ham,fresh cut tomatoes,pickles,and whole lottsa crunchy vege
ivan and his subs..*NGAUM!*
Saturday, May 23, 2009
A Smile With No Reason
Few months back, I had a girl who is good at everything, not to say very good though, and i myself is an average looknig guy. We had wonderful times together. i treated her well from trying please her when she's feeling down or feeling angry and to try to fit time to be with her even when i'm busy. Everyone thought that we will last forever but then we didn't make it through.
The last 3 weeks of our relationship ended in me getting a deep scar that is etched within my heart, i found out that she was cheating on me by going out with another guy who is very good looking, they were seen holding hands and hugging by a few friends of mine. I confronted her and she deny everything saying it was all lies.
I forgave her. I called her out one night but she say she's not feeling well. Hearing this i would say 'Do you want me to come over?', as she stays alone in a rented room. She's away from her hometown to study. She say she will be fine and she wants to rest. I defied what she said and went to her house. When i reached, she's not in her room so i asked her housemates and they say she went out to the mall. So i set out to the mall, believe it or not, once i step into the mall, i saw her with my very own eyes, very healthy and holding hands with another guy.
I didn't confront her this time, instead, feeling down i went for drinks with friends and told them what i saw. Everyone who knew me and her will know that i treated her well though we had small arguments once in a while. My friends advised me to let go. I went home that night and go to bed.
The very next morning i woke up and went to college like normal,I will fetch her to college every morning, on that morning she treated me unusually well. She gave me a morning kiss and hug when she saw me. During lunch she waited for me instead of me wait on which i usually wait for her. But then, on our journey back from the college in the evening i told her this will be the last time we will have such journey and also the end of our relationship. She broke out and asked me why, i didn't mention anything about what i saw last night and i told her it's because of some personal reason. She wanted me to hug her and kiss her like i always do, but i didn't and just bade her good bye. Once i got away from her place, tears began rolling down my eyes, a girl cheated on me yet i pretend to end the relationship as if it's my fault.
I heard from her housemates she cried for a few nights because of me ending the relationship and that the guy she's seen holding hands with is a con man. She knew about it on the night i saw them holding hands and she stopped seeing him since then. But then it's too late to repent and i got on with my life albeit still hurt. And she finish her short course from the college and i never heard from her since except when a friend told me she's going with another guy.
P/S: this is a story that is not true. But it's also a lesson for guys and gals out there on a relationship, trust ur partners but not too much and find out more if there's any rumours and not make fast and harsh decision and you will end up like the guy and gal in the story. If the guy did not make such decision then he will still be happily with the girl and also if the girl isn't greedy for getting nice looking guy, she will not lose a caring guy.
Monday, May 18, 2009
What A Day of...(you put it in yourselves)
aint that something,plus we had pictures of the event itself and some crazy ass moments on that bloody heaty afternoon.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
birds chirpin'..suns yet to rise..musics on..heads temporaly tempted.
As so i was talkin bout this plan that i had in mind which keeps me runnin and i cant sleep at the mean time..maybe later ya'll be noticing dead man walkin in the college lobby. =D Were planin to come up witha few graphic tee designs as in graphical designs which consist of thing which ya'll cant get out there in the market nor any shoppin malls. And,well theres a few selective we've chosen and soon to b released. If ya'l are interested these tees gone b out by us and were handling it by MOQ(mass order quantities). Not to mention COD(cash on delivery as well), hey these designs are original and there aint no cpopyrights to any other sutffs. So when they're released...come get some! =D