Sunday, May 24, 2009

Feel it burn

These days its been sorta hot and well,the sun seems to be scorchin' us like it's a full time barbeque time. And so, it was a hot day and indeed a very very sweaty day for all of us. Times like this is where we all get lazy and just wanna put down whatever things in our hands and drop it and sleep or lazy to blog like me as well. =D

rajan:i was born smart but edu spoiled me
kamal:macha..wolverine boring la,how bub?!
kuma:jo,saya pun tak tau la..nangis saja la..

It was a last day of exam papers to the diploma studs, and some of us will be planin a getaway,some will just wanna write as fast as possible just to head on home to sleep or do whatever they wanna do. Some will go for a drinkin spree with their buddies and have loads of jokes to knock em out. Indeed it was a way to do so and we all are havin it now.

hmmm..what to do...what to do..

to burn or not to burn that dam paper??

As for me i head onto college just to have a hang out and to settle down some unpaid bills. Sunway's a lil imaptient for my signature on that piece of check it seems(i was just crappin hahahhahaha). So, had several boredness and some laughable moment and loads of pics taken. Guess what Michelle was there,aint we all glad to shoutout her name "Choo Choo" when we see her!?!?ahahhahahahhhaha

choo choo..and her golden finger

So, as we on it, we had subway from our fellow buddy, Edmund which drove to Kay El frm 0830 hours to 1700 hours. Me and Ivan indulge on that big piece of 1foot long turkey breast cheese sandwhich. Fuyoh Fuyoh...hahahhahahhaa...Check out Ivan,grippin and munchin on it like its Buffet time! Thanks Ed fo the subways,native nuff for us to eat it now though we know it long time...hahahhahaha...

signature bread,cheese,turkey breast,ham,fresh cut tomatoes,pickles,and whole lottsa crunchy vege

ivan and his subs..*NGAUM!*


2 Responses to “Feel it burn”

Edmund Yip said...

soon choo choo will no longer be in sunway...her picture should be printed and pasted on all notice board of sunway

demondes said...

agreed!and on the marketing board...and on the business board..and on the art n design board and on the IT board and on joshua's board!ahhahahahhahahahaha

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