Tears began to flow as I lay down trying to get to sleep. I have just received news that my girlfriend of 2 years died, victim of snatch theft. Two days ago we were still having fun and enjoying ourselves together to the theme park and the movies. And now, she's gone from me forever.....
I met her through a friend's party, both of us clicked together instantly when we were introduced. I started to date her the very next day, on our first date I brought her out to the theme park which will soon turn out to be the last place we will go together on our date. We enjoyed ourselves and she began to show affection towards me.
We texted each other every night and i will call her once in awhile after our first date. Both of us is in our final year of our high school and will go to college soon. We did not have a second date until after our final exams. After our exams, I again dated her and this time i brought her to the beach and we stayed there until sunset enjoying the view of sunset together. It is at that time I confessed my love for her, It happened so sudden that she was shocked. She knew I liked her but didn't knew I would confess to her on our second date. From then, she agreed to be my girlfriend.
All of my friends said that we were the best couple, we did not quarrel, only small arguments that is resolved after the argument is over. Everywhere we went, happiness is there as both of our cheerfulness and laughter will make our friends forget their sadness. Both of us enjoyed life and thus we created the thinking of smile always no matter what happen and laugh away all our sadness and sorrow.
I brought her home one day to meet my parents and relatives, all of them liked her a lot as she will help out with the dishes even though she's just there for a short while. My nephew and niece would love to play with her whenever she's there. As for her family, they too liked me. i would help her father repair house things as I would do at my own house as well as my relatives' and also helped her siblings with their homework.
Things went well for 2 years, we went to the same college but different course. it was on that fateful weekend that she wanted me to bring her to the theme park that we went to on our first date. She rarely asked me to bring her to places and only I decide to bring her where to go. Hearing her request, I brought her to the theme park and we enjoyed ourselves. After that, we went for a movie and also a candle light dinner at a nice restaurant.
I sent her home after dinner, I walked her to her house doorstep and we kissed and hugged each other. She went into her house and I walked back to my car. That night i called her and we had a long chat on the phone, we talked and fantasized about our future together, we did not meet up the next day as both of us is not free. In them orning and afternoon we still texted each other and it was until night time that news broke out to me that she died. She went out to buy some stuff. When she got out from her car, a snatch thief ran and grabbed her bag and pushed her. The reason for her death was excessive bleeding after she fell down being pushed by snatch theft. A lot of people helped her out and eventually the snatch thief is caught. But she can't make it to the hospital. I can never hear her laughter anymore from now on. And all of us will miss her a lot.
p/s: This story is dedicated to the victim of snatch theft and also the boyfriends of their deceased girl friend who is the victim of snatch thief. I pray and hope that there will no longer be any death caused by snatch theft. To the victim, life is more important that your LV or Prada. Let go or do not bring out your handbags, keep important documents and money in your pocket. I personally witness a snatch theft case in front of me and yet I can't do anything to help the poor lady, it was lucky she did not get hurt.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
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